Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It's funny that Mel is suppose to create a Utopia for school. It's funny because Mel and I were already talking about the perfect world. I been playing around with writing a book. I had a dream one night and started to write it out. Please no I am not really expecting to write a book and get it published it's just for fun. Anyway it's my Utopia. I call the people in this new world Kissmay's they are like us but also very different. In this world everyone is connected by what I call heart waves. Everyone feels what each other is feeling, because all negative feels hurt everyone else cause the feel the pain too. The have evolved to all postitive world with no hate, anger, war. Of course they are lacking something that is why they came to earth and the Prince of Kissmay fell in love with Lily. She is the one to balance their world. There is alot more to it and at Mel's request some drama and conflict. She said it would not be worth reading without conflict. So we came up with some and we had so much fun inventing creatures and names of people. We even used some animals from Earth so to say. Like Unicorns and Mermaids. They came to Kissmay cause they were so fragile and simular to the Kissmay people. The war's and hate on Earth drove them away.
Yep we got really into it.

Little Angel

Little angel sitting on a cloud can you see me? Can you feel me? 

Little angel sitting on the cloud how I miss you, how I am lost without you. 
You were so small and so young yet your soul was so big as well as your heart. I never knew the impact you had on me, on your family and the world. Its hard to say goodbye. I don't want to ever say goodbye. 

Little angel sitting on a cloud. My world is dark and grey. Can you see the light from where you are? If so shine a little ray down on me. 

Little angel sitting on a cloud are you happy? Is your world up there as beautiful as they say? Please come whisper in my ear at night and tell me what you see and feel give me comfort in your peace. 

Little angel sitting on a cloud do you run free and explore the world? Can you see wonders your eyes can not believe. I hope so please do not worry about us be free. 

Little angel sitting on a cloud it was so hard to see you so still. I not only remember but I still feel it on my hand your little spirit that was you had left you only left your shell. I know I must be grateful that God took you so quickly. In the blink of an eye. I only wish I could of said goodbye. Would it of helped me? I wish I could of said what I feel in my heart one last time but I would never wish you to suffer so I could so I am ok not ever saying goodbye. 

Little angel sitting on a cloud can you hear me? Can you read my mind there is so much inside there that I am not ready to say outloud. I am not ready to say goodbye even thou I know I must. Do you feel what's inside my heart. Do you see it is breaking and I am not the strong mom you thought you had. My little angel I miss you. I love you. You are so special to me. 

Little angel do you know I can still see you. I have not forgotten anything I loved about you. Even your freaky toes, your freckles, your small hands, your big brown puppy dog eyes. I hear your laugh and see you smile. I miss your touch and your hugs. I miss cuddling on the couch and laying my head on you. 

My little angel on a cloud find peace where you are and don't worry about me I will be alright. Just know I love you more than you ever will know. Save a spot for me on your cloud so one day we can cuddle again ok. 

Your my forever angel on a cloud! 
-Kim Anderson