Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lonely Girl

I thought about creating a different blog for a moment but changed my mind. The people that I don't want to see this don't ever look at any of my blog
my poems or blogs ever cause they never pay attention to me.
Sometimes I feel like a pay check or a piece of furniture. Here for when someone needs anything but otherwise I am unseen or heard. But man if they only knew what is in my head. I am tired of it all. I am tired of this life. He has killed me inside. You hurt me at the worst time of my life then fall apart even more so I have to stand up and keep us both afloat. It seems it is always you -you - you. What about me?
 I know furniture. Be useful that's all. If I ever feel like breaking if I ever am sad you get mad. Why can't I ever let it out. Why is everything I feel not allowed. You wont let me talk you wont let me speak about it. It is devouring me from the inside.
 I think maybe you were right we should not be together. I think you were wrong then but now we are so apart and you close me out and wont let me be me. Maybe I will move on. I am dead inside anyway. I can't grasp that feeling of love anymore. It's gone.
I am sorry you started this. You made it what it is and don't fix what u broke. You ignore it and leave it festering. I am so hurt.

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