Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bleach my mind!

Do you ever want to pour bleach on your brain?
Erase all the bad memories?
Things that sneak up in the stillness and replay over and over.
Creating a tidal wave of doubt and pain.
A small voice is screaming to change your thoughts, start thinking of something else.
But the pain already has it's hold.
It's black grip with a tight hold.
It's friend Sadness come bursting in to take over the whole body.
Creating a river of tears to hold all the sorrow.
Where did my self worth go?
Where it the warm embrace of love.
Did you see who turned off the lights?
Why is there only darkness in my world.
I know I should flip that light switch back on.
But I can't cause here comes more thoughts.
It knocks me down stealing the breath from my lungs.
I feel forever lost in the darkness.
Forever sad.
Who I was is gone.
Who I want to be had died.

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